International workshop for young composers

DEADLINE: November 30th, 2016
7 - 16 July 2017, Bobbio (Piacenza, Italy)

Applications are open for admission to Divertimento Ensemble’s third International Workshop for Young Composers. Up to 10 participants will be selected.

Tutors: Franck Bedrossian and Stefano Gervasoni;
Ensemble in residence: Divertimento Ensemble and five musicians chosen by the institutions of the International Newtwork Ulysses;
Conductor: Sandro Gorli.

Interested composers not exceeding the age of 35 (as of 7 July 2017), should apply by submitting to the address no later than November 30, 2016:

  • a score (in digital form) for an instrumental ensemble included among 3 to 15 perrformers;
  • a recording of the submitted score (if available);
  • application for admission;
  • a copy of the passport or identity card;
  • bank receipt of € 30 for the enrollment fee. This fee will only be reimbursed in case the course is cancelled.Bank details: Banca Prossima, account in the name of Divertimento Ensemble, IBAN IT70P0335901600100000101448, BIC: BCITITMX, Banca Prossima – 20121, P.zza P. Ferrari 10 Milano; Pay Pall: Divertimento Ensemble.

A jury composed by the two tutors of the workshop together with the conductor and two musicians of Divertimento Ensemble will select no later than December 12, 2016 the ten admitted composers. Admitted composers must send, no later than May 15, 2017 the score and the instrumental parts of the piece with which they will participate in the workshop. The instrumental ensemble will be communicated to the selected composers on December 12, 2016 and will be included among 10 and 13 performers.

The piece, whose duration must not exceed 7 minutes, can be a new composition written specifically for the workshop, or an existing composition (including the one that has been submitted if in line with the instrumental ensemble).

During the ten days of the workshop, participants will have individual lessons with the two tutors and with the conductor of the ensemble to discuss their scores or other pieces, as well as working sessions with the performers of the ensemble; they shall listen to the rehearsals of their own work and of all the programmed pieces.

All the compositions will be performed in two public concerts in Bobbio on July 15 and 16, 2017. Up to three compositions will further be selected after the performances in Bobbio and shall be included in the Rondò 2018 concert season (Milan, January-June 2018). It is possible to take part in the workshop in the workshop as observers.

The workshop overall schedule foresees the following time/activities to be divided among all the participants (in part at different hours and in part overlappying):

  • 36 hours of rehearsal with the ensemble (to be devided among all the scores);
  • 28 hours of individual lessons with each of the two tutors (to be divided among all the participants);
  • 8 hours of individual meetings with the conductor of the ensemble (to be divided among all the participants);
  • 4 hours of individual meetings with the musicians;
  • 2 hours of masterclasses by each of the two tutors.


Participation Fee:

Participant: euro 500,to be paid within January 16th, 2017.
Observer: euro 200.


Accomodation in structures with prices starting from € 15/day for multiple rooms


Divertimento Ensemblephone:
+39 02 49434973,
mobile +39 338 2225014